This is an interesting piece of research I found when working on the show. I loved the message and thought I would share it.
"Yes, Art is the great and universal refreshment. For Art is never dogmatic; holds no brief for itself you may take it or you may leave it. It does not force itself rudely where it is not wanted. It is reverent to all tempers, to all points of view. But it is wilful -- the very wind in the comings and goings of its influence, an uncapturable fugitive, visiting our hearts at vagrant, sweet moments; since we often stand even before the greatest works of Art without being able quite to lose ourselves! That restful oblivion comes, we never quite know when -- and it is gone! But when it comes, it is a spirit hovering with cool wings, blessing us from least to greatest, according to our powers; a spirit deathless and varied as human life itself."
--John Galsworthy (1867-1933).
I thought as I usually do, that this was very well cast. Enjoyed a different type of production.... Thank you again for a lot of hard work to present quality entertainment